Founded in 2013 | Thousand Currents Partner since 2023

Mada Masr

Re-examining media's role and accountability in Egypt

Founded in 2013, in the midst of political and economic crises and growing authoritarianism and censorship in Egypt, Mada Masr’s name symbolizes the act of taking a position. Mada Masr’s work examines the effects of the multi-layered political and economic crises facing societies in Egypt and its surrounding regions. Providing its audience with transparent, critical, collectively owned and accountable media, it spotlights conversations and thought making that can be conducive to reforms and pathways to just development alternatives.

Mada Masr invites actors from a wide array of fields to offer critical insights into politics, the economy, culture and society. It produces its analyses in the form of news gathering, long-form features, video productions, audio pieces, photography and visual arts.