Thousand Currents funds a constellation of movement and movement support organizations that are working towards and enacting climate justice, food sovereignty, and economic justice.

Our Partnership Model
Lasting change takes time. It requires an approach that is nonlinear, flexible, and multi prong. Learn more about our ecosystem approach to funding in our latest animation.
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Thematic Partners
Thematic funding supports the longer-term work of formations working on climate justice, food sovereignty, and economic justice with 10 years of core funding.

Catalyst Partners
Thousands Currents begins its relationship with partner organizations through its catalyst grants program. We provide approximately unrestricted funding for a period lasting six to 12 months. This first grant creates an opportunity for Thousand Currents and the catalyst partner to collaborate over a short term to assess the potential for a longer term partnership.
Long-Term Partners
Our long-term movement partners take on big corporations to keep their communities safe from environmental hazards. They build women-owned cooperatives that hold millions of dollars in assets. They save local seeds and fight to preserve indigenous farming practices that sustain people and the land. In addition to 10 years of core funding, thematic partners also have access to supplemental funding for emergencies, security responses, learning initiatives, travel, and support for experimental initiatives designed to strengthen their work.

Tactical Partners
Tactical funding supports work on strategic litigation, popular education, cultural production and campaigns that are strengthening climate justice, food sovereignty and economic justice movement infrastructure through 1-to-3-year grants.

Tactical Partners
In addition to the 1-3 year grants that are strengthening work in our key areas of work, tactical partners also have access to supplemental funding for emergencies, security response, learning initiatives, and travel.