Founded in 1973 | Thousand Currents Partner since 2023
Mouvement Paysan de Papaye (MPP)
Using agroecology to realize food sovereignty for all
Mouvement Paysan de Papaye (MPP) is the largest peasant movement in Haiti that holds a decentralized movement formation with a multilevel structure based on local groups. Founded by Black peasants in the Central Plateau region, MPP organizes peasants to achieve food sovereignty and environmental protection through agroecology – which they consider a permanent priority. In addition, from an early stage the movement has had specific structures for women and youth to organize.
They run cooperatives for the production, transformation and commercialization of food and medicinal plants. Their production activities prioritize growing trees and crops that are resistant to climatic hazards, such as manioc and peas. They provide literacy, political education, technical assistance and training programs in agroecology for peasants and university students and they are currently establishing an agricultural farm for training and experimenting with agroecology.
MPP has engaged youth in activities focused on soil conservation, reforestation, and management of organic and plastic waste. They work to defend peasants’ land rights, to demand agrarian reform and to ensure the provision of basic services such as drinking water, schools, health care, electricity, roads, and environmental protection programs.
MPP also participated in the creation of La Via Campesina and its strategic ally in the region Coordinadora Latinoamericana de Organizaciones Del Campo (CLOC). They have been awarded the International Winner of the 2023 Food Sovereignty Prize by the US Food Sovereignty Alliance, as they celebrated 50 years of using popular education, collective food production and commercialization, technical assistance, communications, advocacy, litigation, and direct action to achieve food sovereignty and climate justice.