Founded in 1993 | Thousand Currents Partner since 2023
Proceso de Comunidades Negras (PCN)
There is no other choice but to resist
Proceso de Comunidades Negras (PCN) is a decentralized Colombian grassroots movement that identifies itself as a process to protect, care for and defend the different forms of life departing from their own vision of the future and the present. PCN is a convergence of more than 140 grassroots organizations that advance diverse protection actions to guarantee the continuity of black peoples in Colombia. The actions developed aim to:
- combating racist violence
- protecting the territory
- prevent forced displacement
- visibilize the impacts of the armed conflict on Afro-descendant people and territories.
- strengthening of productive practices
One of the main objectives of the PCN is to advance recognition and respect for the collective ethnic rights of Afro-descendant communities through political and legal frameworks, provide information and education on racism, and build national and international alliances with grassroots movements and organizations. The organizations and individuals that are part of the PCN are organized regionally in groups called Palenques, which are made up of community councils, organizations and individuals, which exercise governance and self-government as a political practice of autonomy.
PCN has contributed to the formulation of policies that recognize and secure the rights of Afro Descendant peoples, provided support for the work of displaced communities and those facing violence as well as communities in processes of prior consultation, and also developing proposals for collective reparation. PCN and Corporación Caminos de Mujer developed the Sistema de Seguridad, Protección y Cuidado de la Vida (SIPVIDA) which is a PCN women-led and run initiative aimed at ensuring security, protection, self-protection, and care of communities, organizations, and men and women leaders of PCN in Colombia.