I Am An Indigenous Woman

Thousand Currents wanted to take this opportunity on World Poetry Day to share a poem (below, in both Spanish and English) shared with us by our partner organization EduPaz.
I am an indigenous woman, daughter of Mother Earth and Father Sun.
I belong to a race with an ancient culture that I now keep like a treasure.
I co-exist with what surrounds me, with the rain, the wind, the mountains, the sky…
I am happy in this landscape.
I have time to make my dreams reality by day, to dance with the birds, feeling the cold morning air and talking quietly talk in silence with the
animals, with the plants, with the spirits.
I know how to plant with the moon the fruits of nourishment, to dye the wool for weaving, practice medicine as my grandmother taught me, to sing a new day.
I know how to tame faithfully, and with tenderness.
I am an indigenous women, like Mother Earth, fertile, silent, protective and strong.
– Indigenous Woman’s Poem, Women’s Network
Soy mujer indígena, hija de la Madre Tierra y del Padre Sol.
Pertenezco a una raza con una cultura milenaria que hoy conservo como un tesoro
Convivo con lo que me rodea, con la lluvia, el viento, la montaña, el cielo…
Soy feliz en este paisaje.
Tengo tiempo para contar las estrellas Tiempo para poner mis sueños al día, Para danzar con los pájaros sintiendo el aire fresco del amanecer y hablar en silencio con los animales, con las plantas, con los Espíritus.
Sé sembrar con la Luna los frutos del alimento, Teñir la lana para hacer el tejido, Hacer medicina como me enseñó mi abuela, Cantar al nuevo día.
Sé amansar sencillamente, con fidelidad y con ternura.
Soy mujer indígena Mujer, como la Madre Tierra, fértil, callada, protectora y fuerte…
– Poema Mujer Indigena, RedMujeres
EduPaz provides programs in economic development and agroecology to promote community-based development in the most remote indigenous communities of Chiapas, Mexico. The organization provides microloans to self-help groups and provides support for various community projects such as live-stock farming, providing healthcare facilities, and growing organic vegetables.
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