Founded in 2020 | Thousand Currents Partner since 2023

Casa Sueli Carneiro

Centering Black histories at the heart of Brazil

Casa Sueli Carneiro is a women-led organization that is combating racism by documenting the different expressions of Black culture, intellectual output, and activism with the aim to make Black history more visible and accessible. They believe that reviewing the history of Black movements is necessary to understanding Brazil and organizing collective action in a context of rising fascism. By conducting research, using popular education, training, alliance building and advocacy, they provide capacity building for grassroots organizations, activists, students, and teachers on issues like Black history, management of historical documents, and environmental racism.

Casa Sueli Carneiro aims to archive information about key figures of the Brazilian Black movement, and thus helps grassroots groups to document their own history, activities, and members through cultural production. Their work includes building libraries, conducting research, providing political education, providing technical training on different archiving methods, and producing audiovisual pieces. They also do national and international alliance building and advocacy work.

They are working on a collection called Mulheres Negras Insurgentes: Biografias Fundamentais, which will publish biographies of Black women who have made impactful contributions to Black movements in Brazil. Through their program Laboratório de Memória Negra e Soluções Ambientais, that records the experiences of communities that face environmental racism through writing, audio and film/photography, they have collaborated with 150 Black and Indigenous women-led initiatives on climate justice.

Casa Sueli Carneiro is currently supporting Quilombola communities to archive their histories using audiovisual tools. They also run a course called Fazedoras de Memórias Negras, which has trained 40 women from different communities so far on how to document the stories of their communities, from which the book Insumos para Ancoragem de Memória Negra emerged. Their political education work is focused on the political and economic situation in Brazil which includes organizing webinar series to analyze different aspects of Brazilian Black social thought and literature.