Founded in 2010 | Thousand Currents Partner since 2023

The Coastal Livelihood and Environmental Action Network (CLEAN)

Advocating for clean energy and clear climate finance

Coastal Livelihood and Environmental Action Network (CLEAN) is an advocacy  network working across energy, climate justice, and forest biodiversity sectors. CLEAN members include social and environmental organizations from coastal areas of Bangladesh. Its vision is to establish a sustainable and poverty-free secular society with equity and justice in the country.  CLEAN’s member organizations include smallholder farmers, including women farmers, fisher folk, forest peoples, Indigenous Peoples, and workers. As the focal point of the South Asia Just Transition Alliance (SAJTA), CLEAN also works in the South Asia region to articulate joint vision and actions with regional social movements around just transition in South Asia. CLEAN is also the secretariat of the Bangladesh Working Group on Ecology and Development (BWGED), a national network highlighting issues around unsustainable and illegitimate debt arising from International Financial Institutions, and linked to climate finance. CLEAN’s programs include:

  • Campaign for a Just and Equitable Transition: CLEAN organizes a series of dialogues and conferences with different networks, stakeholders, policy makers both in Bangladesh and across South Asia to demand for a just transition through innovative ideas with local communities. The campaign brings together organizations from Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka working to stop fossil fuel expansion in the South Asian region. In 2024, they won a case to Stop LNG Expansion in Bangladesh 
  • Research and Publication: CLEAN produces critical information for popular education with graphics in different languages like Bengali, Hindi and Nepali. In 2024, CLEAN published 4 reports on the impacts of various power plants in the region, as well as the scope and potential contributions of domestic banks in just transition.
  • Strategic Litigation: CLEAN’s legal work includes litigation against unjust power projects through courts.