Founded in 2004 | Thousand Currents Partner since 2021
Coordenação Estadual das Associações das Comunidades Remanescentes de Quilombo do Pará – Malungu
Realizing the rights of Quilombo communities in Brazil
Coordenação Estadual das Associações das Comunidades Remanescentes de Quilombo do Pará – Malungu is an organization that coordinates, advises and strengthens the resistance of Quilombola communities’ rights in the state of Pará in Brazil. The word malungu is of African Yoruba origin and means companion or partner. Founded in March 2004 by Quilombola leaders from all over the state, MALUNGU brings together 200 Quilombola associations representing 528 of the 600 Quilombola communities of Pará across 65 municipalities.
Overall, they aim to: a) Mobilize Quilombola women to advocate for gender equality; b) Defend Quilombola communities’ social, political, cultural, environmental, and democratic rights; c) Support Quilombola communities in their quest for acquiring land titles and historical social reparations by the Brazilian state; and d) Inform the community about local issues, through seminars, so they can be empowered in the pursuit of their objectives and influence public policies.
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