
Founded in 2016 | Thousand Currents Partner since 2021

De Olho nos Ruralistas – Observatório do Agronegócio no Brasil

Amplifying adverse impacts of agribusiness in Brazil through data-driven journalism

De Olho nos Ruralistas is a media and movement support organization based in São Paulo whose work is focused on critical journalism producing exclusive and specially curated content about the impacts of agribusiness. They use storytelling, data, geoprocessing, geo-journalism, fact-checking, and in-depth analysis to amplify the negative impacts of agribusiness in Brazil on the environment and on Indigenous communities, with a focus on the Amazon and the Cerrado.

Their mission is to be an independent source of information about the social, economic, environmental, and political implications of monocultures and agribusiness. To that end, they conduct research and compile data that is useful to grassroots movements in the territories. De Olho Nos Ruralistas works towards exposing the underlying motivations and biases of corporate media coverage on agrarian issues. Since agribusiness is a cross national endeavor, they produce content series that expand beyond Brazil’s borders.

De Olho Nos Ruralistas also organizes seminars and training sessions for members of grassroots movements on how to conduct and use agribusiness-related research. In 2022, they started a cartographic project to create maps and infographics as a way to supplement their research, news, and reports. In addition, De Olho nos Ruralistas also constantly monitors public data and documents from various government agencies. They have been referenced in several academic articles and serve as a reliable source for Brazilian and foreign media on issues of environmental justice and corporate power.