Founded in 2018 | Thousand Currents Partner since 2023
Femme en Action Rurale de Madagascar
Rural women advancing eco-feminist development alternatives
Founded by rural women from across Madagascar in 2018, Femme en Action Rurale de Madagascar (FARM) is a movement of women smallholder farmers working in solidarity to build feminist alternatives to the climate crisis, while also resisting extractive development in communities. FARM works to strengthen the economic, social, ecological and cultural capacities of rural women confronted by multiple climate crises, while establishing an autonomous and self determined feminist movement which builds solidarity across women’s struggles in Madagascar. FARM centers climate justice in its work to improve the living conditions of rural women in Madagascar. They do this by advancing ecological development alternatives such as green charcoal, bio-compost and the practice of agroecology. Its work highlights the poor recognition of social reproductive work in the social and economic development of their communities.
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