Founded in 2016 | Thousand Currents Partner since 2023

Orgânicos no Ponto

Building economic sustainability through agroecology

Orgânicos no Ponto is an innovative collective founded in 2016 that works with mental health, solidarity economy, and agroecology. Its main goal is to build economic sustainability through self-management amongst people who are socially disadvantaged by psychosocial disabilities (and vice versa), through the generation of work and income from agroecology. The collective is led by activists for anti-asylum, solidarity economy, and agroecology. The work of Orgânicos no Ponto benefits both small farmers and people who are users of the Sistema Único de Saúde, the Brazilian psychosocial health care system. Orgânicos no Ponto fosters economic autonomy and social freedom by articulating the rights to health and work with the right to access agrochemicals-free food.

Orgânicos no Ponto is also the weaver of a network of local producers and consumers in the Butantã neighborhood in the city of São Paulo. The distribution of organic food from small producers benefits local and regional organic food suppliers, including cooperatives aggregating more than 120 farmers and agro-industry producers and their families. The order form of Orgânicos no Ponto has more than 250 organic food items that serve six consumer groups – a total of approximately 400 people. The same products are offered for in-person purchases in their weekly fair and by Comedoria Quiririm, a small women’s enterprise incubated in their space that offers lunch daily at low cost.