
Sri Lanka | Founded in 2011 | Thousand Currents Partner since 2024

People’s Alliance for Right to Land (PARL)

Achieving human rights for rural working class

People’s Alliance for Right to Land (PARL) is a Sri Lankan national popular movement coalition of women, smallholder farmers, fisherfolk, plantation workers, religious minorities, and landless communities. PARL’s mission is to support the rural working class to achieve the right to land, housing, water, and food. 

PARL engages in various tactics to achieve its goals, including:

  • Campaigns on land rights and demilitarization: PARL campaigns to stop land grabbing of Indigenous Peoples’ and smallholder farmers’ lands by foreign investors and the military, especially in  North Eastern provinces marked by ethnic conflict, and advocates for community-led agroecology.
  • Research and Documentation: PARL is documenting land grabbing and land rights violations. PARL’s research work is conducted in partnership with affected communities. PARL is currently managing one of the biggest community information hubs on land rights in Sri Lanka.
  • Movement Building: PARL supports its movement members to conduct community discussions, mobilizations, legal support, and capacity building on land rights issues. It especially supports villages that are facing evictions and builds alliances with other social movements in the country.