Founded in 1998 | Thousand Currents Partner since 2023

Serikat Petani Indonesia-Indonesian Peasant Union (SPI)

Strengthening peasant solidarity

Serikat Petani Indonesia-Indonesian Peasant Union (SPI) is the largest mass organization in Indonesia bringing together 12 peasant unions of the country. Formed in 1998 to defend small farmers and agricultural workers who are increasingly marginalized by mainstream development and agrarian policies, SPI’s mission is to strengthen peasant solidarity in order to achieve progressive agrarian reform and food sovereignty. Smallholder peasants, which account for 93% of all farmers in Indonesia, have an average land holding of 0.5 ha of land. Sidelined by commercial and industrial, export-oriented agriculture like palm oil, rubber, their land rights are under threat from market actors.

SPI members have over 1000 cooperatives that produce coffee, brown sugar, cooking oil, and rice. One of SPIs key contributions to the global food sovereignty has been its 17-year-long leadership in the proposal and ratification of the United Nationals Declaration of Peasants Rights.