
Founded in 2007 | Thousand Currents Partner since 2024

World March of Women—Kenya

Feminist Organizing School Africa

Founded in 2007, World March of Women (WMW)-Kenya is a diverse feminist, anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist and anti-colonial movement resisting intersectional inequalities experienced by women globally. WMW-Kenya works towards transforming the oppressive patriarchal and racist political, social, cultural, and economic systems of domination. To do this, it centers feminist values of movement building in mobilizing alliances across autonomous, multicultural, and multiethnic women, gender diverse, and progressive social movements. From its inception, decolonial feminist popular education has been central to the process of movement building. WMW-Kenya, together with WMW-Mozambique, lead the coordination of the regional Feminist Organizing School in Africa, which provides collective tools of resistance and organizing, and embraces community designed solutions to the common challenges faced by Indigenous women.