Joelle Chase

Grant Writer
Joelle Chase (she/her/hers) is a Grant Writer at Thousand Currents. Following a commitment to social justice, her professional journey has meandered through fields of education, communications, and development. After teaching in a one-room school in Montana, USA, Joelle spent a decade at the Center for Action and Contemplation where she served as the Managing Editor of Richard Rohr's Daily Meditations. She moved into grant writing as a way to support community-led change through social movements, working at Center for Popular Democracy and New Mexico Environmental Law Center. Joelle sees her role as that of a facilitator redistributing money and power to those on the frontlines of climate change and systemic injustices. When not sharing Thousand Currents’ movement partner stories of food sovereignty, climate resilience, and economic justice, Joelle enjoys biking, hiking, and gardening in the New Mexico sunshine.