Pan-Asia | Founded in 2000 | Thousand Currents Partner since 2024
The Asian Peoples’ Movement on Debt and Development (APMDD)
Pan-Asian coalition advancing debt justice through transparency and advocacy
APMDD is a regional alliance in Asia that resists illegitimate debt, tax injustice, and demands reparations from the Global North to the South. The founding and current members represent diverse backgrounds including fisherfolk, smallholder farmers, women, hawkers, Indigenous Peoples, workers, and young people. APMDD currently has 61 members from 9 countries in Asia. who organize around the pressing issue of illegitimate debt in the region.
APMDD conducts campaigns, research, and policy advocacy on these themes:
- Debt justice: APMDD’s core campaign is against debt colonialism by private and public financiers. APMDD has conducted extensive research to document debt in Asian countries and argued for an unconditional cancellation of public debt. APMDD participates in and keeps track of many official regional processes like the G20, BRICS, APEC, and G7 to advocate for its demands.
- Development finance: APMDD’s campaign on development finance demands reparations from the wealthy countries of the Global North for the historical, social, ecological, and climate debt they owe the people of the South. They also address illicit financial flows and tax injustice, demanding proportionate wealth taxes from individuals and corporations. Climate finance is a key part of this campaign.
- Energy systems transformation: through the Clean Energy Network, APMDD is advocating for an equitable and democratic energy transition in the Global South.
APMDD is the only regional network who builds and maintains a repository of public debt records in Asian countries. APMDD’s repository on debts in Asia has been instrumental for movement advocacy, as such information is opaque and not publicly available. In collaboration with allies, APMDD successfully inserted loss and damage funds in COP27, and proposed a governance model that includes community leadership within the fund’s decision-making. It is currently involved in further developing the mechanism.
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